Sunday, April 4, 2010

Does Microsoft REALLY increase productivity??

This post is actually an extension of my comments on Vinni Mirchandani's thought that i-Pad could become the next big thing in an enterprise -
So here are my 2 cents ...
How many presentations do we make in a day - now I don't mean 'Presentations' as in how many times we present an idea or a thought to a group of people. I mean how many .ppt / .pptx documents do we churn out in a day? How many .doc do we fill and how many .xls do we save on our laptops? Don't really keep a count do we? And how many of them do we recycle and reuse and rework in to newer versions? Ohh come on - We just care about the environment and that's why we recycle and reuse - don't We?
Just give it a thought - Microsoft has sold over 70 million copies of Office till 2007 and thats on top of some 60 million copies of vista. And I am not even speaking of the countless computers running on pirated copies.
How much value do we really add by creating documents after documents which anyone seldom reads let alone uses?
That gets me back to the iPad blog by Vinnie. In part I agree that maybe ipad or any tablet PC or any other such contraption may help in expressing ourselves more creatively / easily. After all - all one does on it is 'touch'.
But (yes, yes there is always a but) - what if we go the other way. Pundits had envisaged a paperless office with the advent of email and omnipresence of computers in offices - but what happened. Printing went out of the roof thanks cheaper printing options at the touch of a button.
What if we end out 'touching' a bit too much. And the 'touchy' species we have become - may be its not such a good idea. What happened to the good ol' whiteboard and markers I say ??

PS - Microsoft should start charging people on a 'pay-per-use' model. Then only one of the two things would happen - Microsoft will become bigger and more profitable than ever before or we would stop this nonsense of churning out garbage and wasting our company's money and get to work!!!

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