Saturday, February 6, 2010

Life As A Rubix Cube

A while ago I was obsessed with the Rubix Cube - like many, I'm sure, have been at some point of time in their lives.

I read that it was actually called the 'Magic Cube' invented by some Hungarian inventor in the early 1970's. Over the years it has tormented many in the pursuit of getting the perfect alignment where all the six faces match up with the same coloured nine squares.

I tried my hand at it and I quickly realised that this was not something within my limited intellectual capacity. The 'Zen' path - 'Enjoy the journey and you will reach the destination sooner that you think' does not work - not for me at least. So I did the next best thing - Googled / Youtube'd on understanding the method to solve the puzzle. It seems that there are hunderds of ways solve the rubix cube and each one is unique - but the easiest method amongst these is to follow the same repetative algorithm, a series of twists and turns which have to be carried out at again and again to solve it.

Further it came in my readings that one needs to solve one face first (called the top - which could be any one of the six depending on how you held the cube) and then proceed to solving the four side faces of simultenously. At the end - the last one would fall in place all by it self.

Hmmm... solving four sides at once - there's a thought. I realised that this was one approach to life - a solving a Rubix cube. Assume the different sides represent one aspect of life - Family, Friends, Career, Money, Health and Happiness.

Most of us - especially of the current generation (defn - those who have seen the mobile rates drop from Rs 16 per minute to nothingness), driven by the urge to rise above the 'middle class' mentality and be 'something' have adoped the following approach towards life - solve one side of the cube at one time, make one aspect of life perfect - before moving on to the next. Let me make enough money to be happy, then I will have plenty of time for friends, family and being happy. Or let me excel in my career now and I will then have time for family and friends, Sounds familar?? And how does that work out for most of us. Over worked, over paid (at least in some cases) and Over stressed (read unhappy).

Now how about this - keep the most important aspect of life at the centre - on the top - Your Family. Get that right. And then get to working on the next four - my choice - Friends, Career, Happiness and Health. And Money will follow - always.

Think about it ....

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